Monday, September 25, 2017

Carbon Sheet Steel

Carbon Sheet Steel or Carbon Steel Sheet Product

All steel that is not mixed with additives substance like aluminum, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium or other additives considered as carbon steel. The availability of that impurities element should not over the maximum limit such as concentration of manganese don't exceed 1.65%, copper content should be lower than 0.4 % and silicone content should not over than 0.6 %. Other wise called as alloy steel.

Steel that contain of carbon is consider as carbon steel. Carbon steel sheet is one product type in steel industry. Carbon steel sheet many produced because of their flexibility to form to other kind of products. Content of Carbon make the properties of carbon steel have hard character and use for part that need a hard strength like spring, knife and other hard products. This properties can be change if carbon steel sheet is heated in low temperature and can be formed under pressure, but this steel have bad character of easy to broken if the pressure exceed the limit of carbon steel strength.

Carbon steel sheet have vary in carbon content of this product and named it in different:
  • Mild steel have low carbon content 0.06 % to 0.25 %
  • Medium steel have carbon content 0.25 % to 0.55 %
  • High carbon steel have carbon content > or = 0.55 % to 1.00 %
More about steel:

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